Discovering new adventures while traveling through Asia
Although it's a fairly straight forward design, the two signs ended up taking quite a bit of time. I had to haggle pretty hard with one of the dive center execs to get a good deal in exchange ( I think all the time barganing in India paid off). In the end, I got a pretty sweet deal and it's quite satifiing to see my work up on the building. I also spent some time with the Tunami relief center here volunteering with some of there after school programs. There is some controvery here as to wether the need for volunteers is still present or not. I found that the volunteer center seemed to be trying to create reasons to justify there continued existence here, but that these reasons were rather feeble. The education programs have potential, but not a lot was really happening with them and seeing as they had more than enough hands to help I decided to spend more time on the painting and have agreed to do 6 more signs for Sea Dragon.
Here's a few photos of where I've been staying and a bit of snorkel fun.